Successful collaboration requires support

By: James Robertson Posted: November 5, 2007

Successful organisation-wide collaboration does not happen by chance. While the uptake of collaboration tools can be very rapid, some areas will use the tools well, while others will struggle (or fail). Rolling out collaboration tools is not without its risks. As outlined in the earlier briefing Collaboration tools are anti knowledge sharing?, the fragmentation of information can be greatly increased when the number of individual spaces grows. Organisations must, however, support collaboration (and collaboration tools) as the need for these is great. This briefing outlines some practical steps that all organisations should take to help business areas and staff make

Establish a portfolio of collaboration tools

By: James Robertson Posted: November 5, 2007

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for collaboration needs within an organisation. Individual teams and business areas will have very different behaviours and requirements, and this must be reflected in the collaboration tools that are put in place. To fully meet an organisation's collaboration needs, a 'portfolio' approach should be taken. This involves providing a range of supported tools, and allowing each area to pick the functionality that they require. This briefing explores the portfolio approach, and provides guidance on making it work in practice. Different needs There are many different situations within any organisation that fall under the heading of

Successful collaboration requires support

By: James Robertson Posted: November 5, 2007

This briefing outlines some practical steps that all organisations should take to help business areas and staff make the best of collaboration tools.

Start by ‘gardening’ collaboration

By: James Robertson Posted: November 5, 2007

In the short-term, a ‘gardening’ approach to collaboration must be taken, encouraging good uses and cleaning up dead sites.

Establish a portfolio of collaboration tools

By: James Robertson Posted: November 5, 2007

There is no one-size-fits-all collaboration solution and a portfolio of technologies should be put in place.

Collaboration tools are anti knowledge sharing?

By: James Robertson Posted: October 9, 2007

Collaboration tools are vital, but left unmanaged, their spread can be anti knowledge sharing.

Taking the best of both worlds

By: James Robertson Posted: October 4, 2007

A little while back I wrote an entry on enterprise 2.0, characterising the conflict between the libertarians and the corporate suits (noting the deliberate stereotyping). To quote: On one side …

Enterprise 2.0: working in the middle ground

By: James Robertson Posted: September 15, 2007

It’s been interesting to observe how the battle lines are shaping up between the evangelists of enterprise 2.0 on the one side, and those perceived to be resisting such technologies …

Adopting collaboration tools in four phases

By: James Robertson Posted: September 11, 2007

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about collaboration and collaboration tools. It’s clear that there’s a huge unmet need for this capability, but a lot of confusion about …

Chatting bolsters business

By: Cairo Walker Posted: July 6, 2007

This article explores the use of online chat in business and describes a case study of the use of instant messaging within a national enquiry centre for a government department …