Expectations created by consumer experiences are shaping the workplace.
Archives for culture
Put people ahead of technology when targeting your collaboration efforts.
If in doubt, focus on a key group of staff, not a collaboration or social tool
How the digital workplace reinforces values and purpose.
Values and purpose lead to staff engagement and retention, and the digital workplace can help
Use the intranet for good.
When Johnson & Johnson’s Asia-Pacific region wanted to help drive employee engagement and encourage connections between offices, they decided to focus on Corporate Social Responsibility…
Intranets help spread company culture and values.
Intranets always partly reflect their organisations’ cultures, and they mirror the companies they serve through content, processes, and contributions from employees. The best intranets are…
Bring passion to your intranet!.
Too many intranets are ‘passion free zones’ that fail to engage with staff.
Intranets shaping culture.
An intranet can be thought of as having five purposes or roles, the first four of which are generally well accepted: making content available delivering…
Intranets shaping culture.
What does organisational culture mean, and how can intranets help?
Fun on the intranet.
Including fun features on the intranet can send the message that the organisation is a great place to work.
Common intranet questions, unique solutions.
Intranet teams seeking insight from other organisations need to adapt ideas to fit their unique circumstances.