What gap needs to be closed between current and required digital skills?
Archives for change
Five key approaches for managing change.
There are many ways of engaging staff to support company-wide change management
Enterprise collaboration is all about change management.
Real success with collaboration and social tools requires robust change management.
How the digital workplace reinforces values and purpose.
Values and purpose lead to staff engagement and retention, and the digital workplace can help
How intranets help bring organisations together.
There are many ways that intranets can celebrate and strengthen an organisation’s culture.
Making the most of the emerging digital workplace (presentation at Intranet Now in London).
In London today, I was honoured to open the Intranet Now conference, the intranet event that the UK has needed for years. The talk explored…
This is why structuring your intranet along organisation lines is a bad idea.
Martin White blogged yesterday about Watching an organisation reorganise – implications for IA and search, which shared the incredible animation created by Autodesk Research: This…
Intranets play a strategic role in times of disruptive change.
For the last few months, we’ve been working with a high profile firm that’s going through an immense amount of organisational change. The entire industry…
Build support before an intranet redesign.
It is a mistake to assume that recognition that the current intranet is broken translates automatically into support for fixing it.
The weight of the existing intranet.
Some time back, we worked for a large government agency. Their intranet was terrible, a huge collection of separate sites dating back over a decade….