The world of Mad Men in the advertising industry is glamorous and cut-throat. What would our intranets and digital workplaces look like if they were…
Lessons from advertising for digital workplaces and intranets.
What would our intranets look like if they were run by Mad Men?
Briefing a visual design agency for intranet designs.
Visual design is important for intranets, and great work by design agencies is key to this.
What message does your intranet send to your staff?.
You’re a powerful and highly respected professional services firm, with offices high up in a tower building overlooking a spectacular view. You’re a major consumer…
What message does your intranet send to your staff?.
Organisations with a strong public brand and reputation are under growing pressure to deliver an intranet to match.
Make SharePoint intranets beautiful.
SharePoint is many things, but out of the box, beautiful isn’t one of them. The boxy design and shades of blue isn’t ugly per-se, but…
The softer side of intranets.
For the last seven years we’ve been writing about intranets, and our focus has relentlessly been on how to make the intranet more valuable for…
The softer side of intranets.
The intranet should provide a human face to staff, and can do much to build and transform the corporate culture.
Naming the intranet.
When creating or relaunching an intranet, the question of whether to give the site a name often comes up. This briefing explores when to name…
Naming the intranet.
Giving the intranet a name helps to build its identity, and may even give it a personality within the organisation.