What gap needs to be closed between current and required digital skills?
Archives for Digital workplace
Take a competency-based approach to digital literacy.
Build skills and behaviours rather than focusing on products and features
Six highlights from the 2024 Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards.
What can we learn from this year’s winners of these global intranet and digital workplace awards?
Four ways to guide users to which Microsoft 365 or digital workplace tool to use when.
Provide practical guidance for employees seeking the right tool in M365
Reaching frontline staff: understand your technology options.
New tools exist to help comms and HR teams reach frontline workers of all types.
Create an enterprise front door for employees.
Employees need a starting point that allows them to make the most of the modern digital workplace
When conducting Microsoft 365 training, don’t skip the key concepts.
Don’t assume that employees know the fundamental concepts that underpin how to make use Microsoft 365
Introducing a “business case canvas” for digital employee experience, digital workplace and intranet projects.
This framework helps teams to sharpen their thinking, and to present a compelling business case
How it fits together: intranets, digital workplaces and digital employee experience.
Three concepts fit together to provide a complete picture for what we deliver digitally to employees.
What does a digital workplace look like? (Keynote presentation at IKO Singapore 2019).
James shared real-world examples of great digital workplaces as the closing keynote at IKO Singapore 2019.