I’m very passionate about intranets, and the opportunities they provide. Where does this passion come from? I’ve spent a lot of time in organisations with…
Needs analysis from a distance.
How do you address the needs of staff that work in a different city, state or country? Visiting each of these offices may not always…
Using cultural probes for intranet user research.
In this article we talk with user experience consultant Gerry Gaffney, about his experience in using a new technique called cultural probes.
Meeting your intranet users.
Users are not all the same, and do not have the same needs. A key principle is therefore: you can’t usefully deliver information to users…
Conducting intranet needs analysis.
Determining what an intranet is actually for involves gaining an in-depth understanding of staff (and organisational) needs and issues.
Five intranet reviews, five different results.
This case study presents the findings from five intranet reviews across a range of organisations, each with very different results.
Fast-tracking research with paired interviews.
Paired interviews are a very effective technique for identifying differences in working practices or terminology.
Developing a knowledge management strategy.
A successful knowledge management strategy must identify the key needs and issues within the organisation, and provide a framework for addressing these.
The difference between usable and useful.
A redesigned site can be easy and quick to use, and perfectly structured, and still be useless. For a site to be useful, it must…
Selecting staff for interviews.
This briefing focuses on who to select for stakeholder interviews. It provides some general guidelines, and lists some areas of the organisation to involve.