Rebecca Rodgers, who runs our Brisbane office, is currently working with a large Australian community services support organisation. The project started with field research, and…
Mobile is now an assumed part of intranet redesigns.
When conducting an intranet redesign in today’s environment, it’s commonsense to include a mobile element.
Use business (not solutions) thinking.
Intranet solutions need a clear business focus and an understanding of organisational factors.
Insight is more important than numbers.
All great intranet solutions, and indeed most great business solutions, rely on gathering information from and about the intended audiences, consumers, stakeholders or other groups…
Research questions for enterprise mobility.
This week I ran my new enterprise mobility workshop in Australia for the first time. We had a great group of participants, and there were…
Field research is vital when designing enterprise mobile solutions.
Diagram created by Giant Ant For many years now, we’ve highlighted the importance of understanding staff needs when designing or redesigning an intranet. This needs…
Don’t ask staff what features they want on a new SharePoint intranet.
“If we gave you a team site, would it be useful to you?” We’ve said before that the breadth of SharePoint is both its strength…
What intranets can do for … engineers.
Organisations, like people, are often successful because of their strengths. These strengths may sometimes also have a shadow side. Understanding that within these shadows lie…
What intranets can do for … engineers.
Engineers working in operational environments have specific needs and issues that can be met with an intranet.
Intranets for call centre staff.
Call centre staff have important information needs that greatly influence the quality of customer service provided.