Filed under: Digital employee experience, Digital workplace, Intranet and digital workplace awards
Intranet and digital workplace teams are increasingly using Digital Employee Experience (#DEX) as a concept to sharpen strategic thinking, focus and prioritise efforts, and engage senior stakeholders. But how can you make #DEX actually happen?
Teams can use five “powers” of DEX to ensure intranets and digital workplaces deliver a great experience for users as well as strong outcomes for organisations:
“Vision” is always critical, and teams that achieve excellent #DEX know where they want to go. They have a strong vision of the future and have spent time articulating the kind of digital workplace and the associated benefits they want to achieve.
But this future vision for the digital workplace is not science-fiction or just a wish list – it’s also tangible, realistic, achievable and rooted in strategic thinking. Having a strong, realistic vision is a powerful way to get the necessary support from your senior stakeholders you need to make it happen.
Being able to tell a compelling story of what the future working day for an employee will look like and the wider contribution your digital workplace makes, not only grabs the attention of those around you, but also helps project teams to stay aligned and focused on delivering #DEX.
The power of a compelling but achievable vision
The winners of the Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards lead the way in helping deliver a compelling vision that can also actually be delivered.
For example:
- Ramboll Group developed an ambitious vision for a new digital workplace aligned to a new high profile strategy; this had the explicit backing of the CEO and would “create an integrated digital environment … that allows employees to communicate, collaborate and deliver excellence – whenever and wherever they may be working”
- Property company Moving Made Easy were not only committed to an integrated digital workplace based on Office 365 that would manage all their key customer and sales processes from end to end, but would also eventually be opened up to clients for external access, creating competitive advantage
- Vodafone Germany delivered a program called the “Agent Workplace of the Future” designed to transform how call centre staff serviced customers, creating a new digital environment with improvements delivered over a number of years, including a new knowledge tool to compare tariff options
- Scottish Water created a digital workplace program with the ambitious objective to help the company become “One Scottish Water”, connecting dispersed and remote field staff and allowing them to work closer together for the first time
- At Vodafone Ukraine senior leaders and the intranet team have consistently remained committed to delivering “unlimited possibilities for open collaboration and feedback, communication, and the automation of routine business processes via the intranet”, and have remained true to this promise, using the intranet as the key platform for organisational change.

The homepage of Vodafone Ukraine’s PROSTOR intranet which has continued to play a key role in high profile organisational change programs. Screenshot appears courtesy of Vodafone Ukraine.
Get inspiration for #DEX
For more information on all the above award-winning case studies and to get related screenshots, purchase the 2018 Intranet & Digital Workplace Showcase report. It will help you get the right inspiration for your own #DEX initiative!