DEX: the way ahead (presentation at IntraTeam Copenhagen, March 2020)
Filed under: Digital employee experience
While I’ve spoken at IntraTeam Event in Copenhagen multiple times, this year had a very special flavour, as the conference took on a new branding: “The European DEX Conference“. I was delighted to give the opening keynote at this new DEX conference, second only to our conference in Sydney.
The talk explored the story so far, the state today, and the way ahead for digital employee experience (DEX).
The key topics covered include:
- There are three levels to consider: intranet, digital workplace and digital employee experience.
- Intranets are still needed, and are more important than ever!
- They provide core capabilities (across the five purposes of intranets), as well as providing an enterprise front door to the wider set of tools.
- There are amazing modern intranets being delivered right now around the globe, including the intranet for Bank of Russia.
- The digital workplace consists of the wider set of tools and platforms provided to staff.
- While everyone has a digital workplace (since email!), a great digital workplace is simple, seamless and productive.
- Leading organisations are increasingly delivering tailored front door experiences, such as the intranet from Swisscom.
- Digital employee experience (DEX) is the strategic concept that looks at the whole set of digital interactions and experiences within an organisation.
- Today, intranets, digital workplaces and DEX all fit together in an increasingly clear way.
- The recent DEX survey 2020 has surfaced key insights about the state of DEX around the globe.
- Leading innovators are showing what DEX-oriented solutions can look like, such as the digital assistant at Liberty Mutual, or the microservices-driven intranet at Wells Fargo.
- In the journey ahead, DEX is one component of the wider employee experience (EX).
- There is also a strong alignment between DEX and CX.
- DEX will be improved through the combination of a DEX vision, guiding principles and DEX initiatives.
- It’s powerful to communicating a DEX vision via narrative.
- Dream big, deliver often!