Rebecca Rodgers
Step Two
Future-proofing your intranet homepage
Presentation from Intranets2015
About my talk
As organisations are facing ever changing work environments, it is becoming more important than ever to have a flexible intranet homepage. This needs to address today’s needs, while also providing scope for effectively managing constant updates and requests.
In this practical session, Rebecca will cover:
- the core elements required when designing a good homepage
- understanding organisational and user needs
- techniques for future-proofing your homepage in an ever-changing environment
About me
Rebecca Rodgers is a senior member of the Step Two Designs consulting team, and she brings an infectious enthusiasm and energy to the intranet space. Drawing on her 15+ years of experience, she has helped many teams to revitalise their intranets. With a large part of her career spent in the corporate world, Rebecca is the most experienced consultant on the Step Two team, and she has worked for a diverse range of clients in the energy, government, university, not-for-profit and large corporate sectors.
Photos from Intranets2015
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