Patricia Romeo
Deloitte (USA)
Transforming the employee experience
Presentation from Intranets2015
About my talk
Patricia will show how a focus on a powerful human resources intranet can increase productivity, employee engagement and relevancy across an organisation.
Using Deloitte’s own ‘Talent on Demand’ solution as the the basis of the presentation, Patricia will present how she redesigned the portal to create a one-stop talent dashboard.
With user-centric views of everything within human resources, Deloitte’s intranet delivers self service capabilities alongside relevant and dynamic information, in one simple dashboard.
About me
Patricia has market eminence as a thought leader in the digital and social technology for Talent Management, and is the leader for Deloitte LLP’s Talent social and digital strategies. Under her direction, Deloitte has leveraged innovative technology to deliver streamlined processes, strengthen employee relationships, enhance internal communications, enhance the learning experience, promote social performance, improve recruiting and retention efforts, and facilitate idea generation. Patricia resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Photos from Intranets2015
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