Kurt Kragh Sørensen

IntraTeam (Denmark)

State of the intranet nation: what the numbers show

Presentation from DEX 2018


It’s incredibly difficult to find out what’s happening in other intranets, let alone know what’s happening in the industry as a whole. This has frustrated intranet teams, and baffled business leaders.

IntraTeam and Kurt have been conducting intranet surveys in Denmark and Scandinavia since 2000. The latest survey is substantial, with 218 organisations participating (and more every day).

Kurt will share key insights from the survey, including:

  • Who is responsible for the intranet/digital workplace?
  • What makes search work?
  • In which organisations does social work?
  • Which systems are used and which are the users most satisfied with?


Kurt Kragh Sørensen is based in Aarhus, Denmark, and is the CEO of IntraTeam. Kurt Kragh Sørensen heads the largest intranet/digital workplace membership organisation on intranet and digital workplaces in Scandinavia. He has offered consultancy services, workshops and lectures on intranets, knowledge sharing, SharePoint and Office 365 since 2000.

Photographs from DEX 2018

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