Josh Patel

KPMG Australia

Five essential themes to intranet management success

Presentation from Intranets2014


About my talk

Whether you are new to intranets or been involved with them for many years here is your chance to find out what’s needed to succeed and continue to succeed. In a field that isn’t always black and white you need to wear a number of different hats.
Josh will be sharing thoughts of intranet practitioners from around the world on what qualities are needed to succeed in this field including:
  • what are the main areas of focus for an intranet professional
  • what qualities and skill-sets are needed
  • what will make the biggest impact on your intranet and your stakeholders

About me

Josh Patel is the portal and collaboration leader in KPMG’s knowledge management team, managing the portal, client collaboration sites and Tibbr network. He has nine years experience in intranet and knowledge management across the mobile communication, education and finical services sectors where he has deployed and managed intranets, KMS and social collaboration platforms.

Photos from Intranets2014


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