Jonas Söderström

InUse Experience (Sweden)

KEYNOTE: The digital workplace: how to avoid Parkinson’s Law and Bureaucracy 2.0

Presentation from Intranets2014

About my talk

The digital workplace isn’t coming – it’s already here.
But why does the doctor have to place the computer mouse on a test-tube rocker?
Why does the bus driver have to look at eleven different screens while driving?
And why do we see soaring levels of stress in the workplace?
The digital workplace holds many promises, and can really make a world of difference to the modern worker. But it would be naive not to acknowledge the risks or potential problems.
In his keynote, Jonas will
  • give insights on why IT systems in the workplace are far less elegant than the ones you use at home,
  • revisit Parkinson’s Law and upgrade bureacracy to v 2.0
  • and generally attempt to instigate the rebellion for a truly human and digital workplace.

About me

Jonas Söderström, an information architect and consultant with InUse Experience, Sweden, has worked with IKEA, the Swedish Government, the Swedish Parliament, Council of Europe, and many others. Mostly does in-depth user studies and creates high-level concepts.
He was recently appointed by the Swedish government to the newly-formed National Forum on Usability and Accessibility, a strategic group in charge of advancing UX-oriented methods in Sweden.
Author of two best-selling books : “To write for the web” and “Stupid bloody system!” (in Swedish and Norwegian). International work includes teaching digital media to independent journalists and bloggers in countries with extensive censorship and oppression.

Photos from Intranets2014




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