Maish Nichani

Pebble Road (Singapore)

Designing the next generation search experience

Presentation from Intranets2017

About my talk

Got search in your organisation? Is it getting the job done? Is it improving performance? The latest findings from the Enterprise Search and Findability Survey 2016 states that around 40% of the users are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their search experience.

In this age of Google, why is enterprise search struggling? Well, it’s largely because of Google. Google has spawned a mindset that search is easy—true from the user side of things but very incorrect for the design or implementation side of things.

This misjudgement by business and IT people is a key reason for the high rates of dissatisfaction with enterprise search. In my talk on designing the next generation search experience, I will walk through the essential steps to design an effective, supportive and delightful search experience. I will use Step Two’s vast knowledge base of intranet articles as a case study.

About me

Maish Nichani is a co-founder of Ola Search, a search consultancy based in Singapore. He is also the principal of PebbleRoad, an enterprise UX consultancy specialising in digital products and services, including digital workplaces. Over the last 12 years, Maish has helped many companies improve their intranets and is always looking for ways to improve workplace performance.

Photos from Intranets2017

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