James Robertson

Step Two

DEX: the story so far...

Presentation from DEX 2019


Digital employee experience is still a new concept, but one that’s gathering pace and energy around the globe. This closing keynote will look at the key insights shared throughout conference, and will put them in the context of the wider space. James will also explore where we need to be heading from here, as individuals and as a community.

Key topics to be covered:

  • What’s happened so far regarding DEX
  • Why you should care about DEX right now
  • What needs to come next, and what we all need to do


James Robertson is a global leader in the intranet and digital workplace community, having written three best-selling books, Essential intranets: inspiring sites that deliver business valueDesigning intranets: creating sites that work, and What every intranet team should know. With almost two decades of sustained experience in this space, James has worked with hundreds of organisations to achieve intranet success.

Photographs from DEX 2019



Produced by Step Two, DEX 2024 will give you access to practitioners from Australia and around the globe who’ve had a positive impact on their organisation’s digital employee experience. Learn from your colleagues. Grow your network. Be inspired.

Our 2024 speakers: