Filip Callewaert

Port of Antwerp Authority (Belgium)

How to implement the digital workplace

Presentation from Intranets2017


About my talk

Filip developed and delivered an award winning approach to helping knowledge workers collaborate (published in “Thriving on Adaptability: Best Practices for knowledge workers”). Developed initially at the Port of Antwerp Authority (Belgium), and more recently refined at the Green Party, it is a solution that allows knowledge workers to work the way that they want to work and to provide them with the tools and information they need to do so effectively.

Filip will share this journey with you and in doing so will:

  • introduce you to a new way of thinking about collaboration
  • how communication and information flows can be used to better support knowledge workers
  • outline his journey to successful implementation
  • challenge you in your thinking and approached to solving these organisational issues

About me

Filip is many things: information and knowledge specialist, linguist, knowledge worker, team manager, accomplished author; but first and foremost, he is passionate about helping make knowledge workers more productive. He has spent much of his career challenging traditional ways of solving information and knowledge problems within organisations most recently at the Port of Antwerp Authority and the Green Party, both in Belgium.

Photos from Intranets2017

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