Ben Parsons

Barclays Bank (UK)

KEYNOTE: Transforming Barclay’s frontline environment through mobile

Presentation from Intranets2014

About my talk

Barclays Bank is one of the world’s largest retail banks. With 20,000 frontline staff in the UK alone, Barclays needed to improve interaction with the frontline staff. Ben will share the journey of MyZone, the mobile solution delivered to all frontline staff (and beyond). The app has now been downloaded over 30,000 times and is available in the UK, Europe and Africa. It was also a Platinum winner of the 2013 Intranet Innovation Awards.

The talk will explore the app in detail, showing how it has changed the way in which the frontline staff interact with each other and the business.

The session will cover:

  • building and developing the My Zone app
  • the remarkable business benefits delivered
  • future for MyZone

About me

Ben Parsons is the Head of Colleague Engagement for Barclays Retail & Business Bank in the UK, where he is responsible for the colleague centric app, MyZone.  He joined Barclays in December 2007 and has experience of working across the Corporate, Business & Retail units in a variety of roles.  He is responsible for disruptive change in the frontline which includes further development and integration of MyZone.  Ben has worked with Barclays technical, design, compliance and security teams to expanded the initial initiative from a small pilot to over 30,000 downloads across UK, Europe & Africa.

Photos from Intranets2014




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