Alison Sharp

Meld Studios

How design thinking can be used to create new ways of working

Presentation from DEX 2019


Meld believes that an organisation needs to be set-up and run well before it can deliver good experiences to its customers and employees. It must be clear on its purpose, the outcomes it expects and how it enables and supports its employees.

As a local leader in “design thinking”, Meld is applying this methodology to itself. Conducting live experiments that challenge traditional working practice, and exploring new decision-making processes.

Hear what has been done, and learn from the successes — and failures!

This session will cover:

  • connecting everyday activities and decisions back to our shared purpose and goals
  • pros and cons of delivering an “ideal” employee experience
  • mindsets and language: tips for understanding each other and moving forward together


Alison has 18 years experience growing and managing teams around the world, including design teams at Orange in the UK/France, and Westpac and Meld Studios in Australia.

As General Manager of Meld Studios, Alison oversees all areas of the business—from defining its purpose, goals and strategy to forecasting its financial health and designing its staff and studio experience. She uses a collaborative and iterative approach for all of this, positioning Meld Studios as a live prototype to test progressive approaches to organisation design. Alison identifies as a Maori woman from Te Whanau-a-Apanui tribe on the East Coast of New Zealand and actively designs for equality in the workplace.

A snippet of what you will see in this presentation:

* Screenshot remains the copyright of the entrant, and may not be reproduced without written permission.

Photographs from DEX 2019



Produced by Step Two, DEX 2024 will give you access to practitioners from Australia and around the globe who’ve had a positive impact on their organisation’s digital employee experience. Learn from your colleagues. Grow your network. Be inspired.

Our 2024 speakers: