Staff need joined-up thinking when it comes to the tools and platforms they use for work.
The second power of #DEX: Vision.
Success in driving digital employee experience initiatives requires creating and communicating a compelling future vision.
The first power of #DEX: People.
DEX ensures that people are at the centre of strategies and projects within organisations.
Digital workplace governance must be a meeting of equals.
Digital workplace and DEX governance must sit at a round table.
The future: from intranets to digital employee experience (Presentation in Milan, October 2018).
There are three stages of maturity within organisations, from modern intranets to digital employee experience.
Six examples of onboarding DEX.
Help your new hires get started and productive with a great digital employee experience
Start by improving your onboarding DEX.
Improving the digital employee experience for new starters will deliver immediate benefits.
Digital employee experience: why real estate should care.
Digital employee experience (DEX) looks holistically at the digital tools, environments and processes that are provided to staff (see What is DEX?). It is a…
Digital employee experience: why IT should care.
DEX gives CIOs and IT teams invaluable tools for understanding and managing complexity
Where does #DEX fit in the broader employee experience?.
Digital employee experience is one of three elements that makes up the wider employee experience.