It was my great pleasure today to be the opening keynote at the KM Singapore conference organised by iKMS on 1 September 2011. My key…
Interview with Faith Wainwright of Arup.
When I was in London late last year, I was pleased to have an opportunity to record a video interview with Faith Wainwright of Arup….
Intranets for call centre staff.
Call centre staff have important information needs that greatly influence the quality of customer service provided.
Knowledge managers: stuck in the shadow of immortal figures.
When in London recently I spent a productive and interesting day with a knowledge manager in a small-ish organisation. In the job for six months,…
Use good interview techniques.
Following a core set of guidelines will greatly improve the effectiveness of staff interviews.
Three tiers of collaboration.
There are many elements of collaboration, and we often encounter the “blind men and the elephant problem”. We’re all talking about collaboration, but we’re actually…
Collaboration is about people.
| View I've just uploaded the presentation I gave today at a KM Roundtable meeting in Melbourne. A great group of people, lots of good questions, only just scratched the surface in the time we had available. (I think there's huge amount of value in all these types of groups. The simple act of getting together and sharing information face-to-face is immensely valuable. So if you're into KM, definitely look into the KM Roundtables, held in Victoria and NSW.)
Collaboration is about people.
A number of articles have recently been published on collaboration. Focusing on collaboration tools, these articles have explored when they work, the challenges involved and how to avoid these problems in practice. In many ways, these articles have taken for granted the central aspect of collaboration: the people involved. This article will explore the human face of collaboration, touching upon a range of enterprise considerations. Collaboration can't be forced It make no sense to roll out collaboration tools to the whole organisation. Collaboration takes place between people, and can't be forced or created through the use of technology. While it
Apply IA techniques when creating taxonomies.
The field of information architecture (IA) has much to offer those creating taxonomies, including a range of structured techniques for testing their effectiveness.
Chatting bolsters business.
No longer the antithesis of working hard, online chat has become an integral part of core business processes in some organisations. Across both the public and private sectors there is a trend toward online chat as a valid business tool, particularly in call centre environments. By using online chat to supplement traditional information sources such as intranets and training folders, staff are provided with answers to specific problems and questions and access to specific staff in real-time. Online chat can be used to: to leverage the collective knowledge resources and research capability of the team as a training and management