Delivering an effective intranet requires a sufficiently large team, and support from the business
Archives for teams
Intranet folk have many different titles.
I’ve just closed the application process to join the Advisory Panel for my upcoming book. I’m now working through the list, whittling 50+ entries down…
How is a digital workplace team different from an intranet team?.
As new technologies are gaining a presence within organisations, we’re seeing some strategic conversations shifting from the “intranet” to the “digital workplace”. This encompasses traditional…
SharePoint best practice 7/25: what roles in a SharePoint intranet dream team?.
A lot of thinking needs to go into developing a SharePoint intranet, whether it’s a new site or an upgrade of an existing intranet. The…
Presentation: Governance for SharePoint intranets.
Yesterday I gave a presentation in Denmark to a diverse group of organisations, all wrestling with SharePoint. While they’d all found SharePoint to be useful,…
Three fundamental reasons for having an intranet team.
For the last ten years, we’ve worked with intranet teams across a wide variety of organisations, both large and small. It’s been good work, and…
Intranet governance in three pages.
Intranet governance can be a daunting subject, so daunting that it is rarely addressed comprehensively, and often even the core aspects shied away from. This…
Intranet governance in three pages.
While intranet governance is a big topic to make sense of, a great start is to get three key documents in place.
Comms and technology: facing the future together.
The nature of internal communications and intranets is changing greatly. While new technology offers exciting new possibilities for comms teams, it does put a spotlight…
Hiring the best intranet people.
A popular corporate refrain is ‘our people are our greatest asset’, and for most organisations this is true. However, this is not the same thing…