Collaboration must have a business purpose and a set of objectives, whether large or small in size
Archives for Collaboration and social
The Pathway to Social: a collaborative way of planning collaboration projects.
A free toolkit that provides a hands-on way of planning enterprise collaboration and social projects.
How intranets help bring organisations together.
There are many ways that intranets can celebrate and strengthen an organisation’s culture.
Ensure your staff can pass the BBQ test.
Intranets can help staff to be effective brand ambassadors at social events.
Ideation applications on the intranet.
Ideation applications tap into staff knowledge to create and share ideas.
There is (largely) nothing to fear from enterprise social.
Experience from many organisations is that enterprise social tools generate few (if any) problems.
Five fundamental capabilities of social intranets.
Social intranets provide a valuable mix of functionality, beyond publishing content and news.
Use social intranets to solve business problems.
Go beyond woolly objectives for social intranets, to solve real business problems.
What’s the elevator pitch for enterprise social tools?.
How can we best sell the benefits of enterprise social?
Provide online support for activity-based working.
Organisations across the globe are moving to a model of “activity-based working”, which takes the old idea of “hot-desking” and extends it. In a nutshell,…