Filed under: Intranet and digital workplace awards
The most common intranet projects are redesigns. These may be triggered for a variety of reasons:
- fixing up a old and dying site
- improving the usability and design of the intranet
- moving to a new and better technology platform
- introducing key new features (such as social)
At best, they can transform how staff use the site, and the dramatically increase the value that the intranet delivers to the organisation. At worst, they can be the classic “lipstick on a pig” — cosmetically different, but still a pig.
What do great intranet redesigns look like?
What process should teams take to ensure the best outcomes?
Uncovering successful intranet redesigns
Recognising how common redesigns are, we’re keen to shine a light on great projects across the globe. To that end, the 2013 Intranet Innovation Awards introduces a new category: intranet rework.
This has been specifically created to celebrate high-impact projects that revamp the design, structure and functionality of intranets.
It’s called “intranet rework” because this is about more than just cosmetic and usability changes. It’s for projects that reimagine how intranet can help people in their work.
Have you delivered a great intranet project?
If so, you have until May 31 to submit an entry for this year’s Awards. Drop us a line if you’d like to chat about your entry, or to get some pointers on what to submit.
We can’t wait to see what projects teams have done!