Filed under: Digital workplace, Intranets, Mobile
Enterprise mobility is quickly moving from pilots and proof-of-concepts to delivering key business functionality for staff when they’re away from their desks.
These moves recognise the huge benefits that can be obtained by helping staff to be productive wherever they are.
Great mobile solutions don’t happen by chance, however, and there’s more to successful enterprise mobility than just delivering ‘mobile versions’ of current systems and processes.
As demonstrated so compellingly by the mobile vendors themselves (Apple, Google and Microsoft, among others), design is paramount for mobile solutions.
At a basic level, mobile solutions need to be designed to match the devices that staff are using, and the environments that they’re being used in.
At a higher level, great mobile solutions involve rethinking previous ways that tasks and processes have been done, moving on from ‘desktop’ models of work.
This article outlines five ‘layers’ of enterprise mobile design. The lower layers describe the fundamentals that must be addressed for mobile solutions to work.
The higher layers outline the full opportunities that enterprise mobile solutions offer.
The five layers can be used as a maturity model by IT and business teams, as well as providing a framework for strategic planning.
[February article by James Robertson, read the full article]