Filed under: Intranets
Intranet homepages are always contentious. In most organisations, every stakeholder would like a piece of this valuable real estate, and debates rage around the overall purpose and design.
Within the intranet industry, the homepage also inflames passionate debate. This is particularly true on the question of how long the intranet homepage should be.
In the earlier article Seven roles of the intranet homepage, a range of purposes were identified:
- news
- navigation
- key tools
- key information
- community and culture
- internal marketing
- collaboration
Effective designs find a productive balance between these seven roles, without any one being excessively dominant.
This turns out to be extremely difficult if the homepage is kept entirely ‘above the fold’, squeezed into a single screenful. Within this limited space, homepages often end up being mostly news with a little navigation squeezed into the edges. Internal marketing and a few key links round out the mix.
If the homepage is made longer, much more content and functionality can be included. This could increase the value of the page, and help to balance competing priorities.
But can it be made to work?
[May KM Column, read the full article]