Filed under: Step Two Forum
The future of intranets is something that I’ve been focusing a lot on recently. All of this came together for a keynote presentation at the IntraTeam conference in Denmark, about a month ago.
This hour-long presentation explored two day-in-the-life scenarios that described how Sarah would be working in 2015. Most powerfully, I shared a number of mock screenshots giving hints about what the intranet could look like, such as the sample above. These really connected with the audience, and sparked some great conversations about how else the intranet could be helpful.
For the first time in Australia, I will be sharing and discussing this thinking with members of the Intranet Leadership Forum in Melbourne at their annual two day intensive (May 11 & 12).
Some other topics at the two day intensive include, home page redesign, your personal brand, the journey of the TabCorp intranet by Peter Richards and usability testing.
It’s not too late to join the Intranet Leadership Forum, and for the price of a typical conference you’ll get year-long benefits. Browse through the details on the ILF site, or contact Catherine Grenfell