Filed under: Content management, Intranets
With the deployment of a new technology platform for the intranet comes the daunting task of migrating content from the old site.
Hopefully there’s been a content cleanup, and a lot of the old and unused content has gone. This may still leave thousands or tens of thousands of pages to migrate.
As outlined in the previous article Content migration: options and strategies, there are three broad options for doing the migration:
- automated migration
- migration by hand
- partially automated migration
These pros and cons of these options are explored at some length in the article referenced. In practice, organisations are likely to do much of the migration by hand, supplemented by automated or semi-automated migration of key content areas.
(The less difference there is between the old and new technology platforms, the greater the opportunity for automated migration.)
Regardless of the migration approach being considered, there is a clear goal: to deliver a sustainable, effective and valuable intranet.
The decisions made about the migration, and how it involves content authors, are critical in achieving this outcome. This briefing explores how.
[April article by James Robertson, read the full article]