Filed under: Information management, Intranets
Intranets have now grown to be core tools for most organisations, tools they cannot do without. Despite this, it is still a struggle for intranet teams to gain the resources and support they need to sustain and grow their sites.
In general, it is not hard to describe what the ‘perfect intranet’ looks like, and each intranet team can generally paint a clear picture of their desired future site. What is needed, however, is a roadmap that helps intranet teams to get from ‘here’ to ‘there’ within current resource limits and other constraints.
The 6×2 methodology provides a powerful new way of planning that gives intranet teams a concrete and constructive way of tackling the growth of their sites. Taking a very different approach to the planning process, the 6×2 methodology focuses on the coming six months, asking the question: what are we going to deliver by the end of this six-month period?
By focusing on criteria (why would we pick a given activity?) and constraints (what is restricting potential activities?), this approach identifies activities that are both doable and worth doing.
Beyond intranets, the 6×2 methodology is also being applied to information management planning, and other similar domains.
This article will provide an overview of the 6×2 methodology, including a summary of each of the steps and examples of criteria and constraints.
[August KM Column, read the full article]