* Screenshot remains the copyright of the entrant, and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Visa: Building a beautiful user-centred intranet
Visa has launched a highly effective new intranet. Featuring a powerful new design influenced by a mobile-first strategy, it now has a very attractive interface. Content has been extensively rewritten with the user in mind and a new task-focused navigation has been developed.
The design is responsive but a mobile app for iOS has also been developed. In addition there are improvements to search, new page templates and other design features including custom iconography.
Why this won a Gold award
- The design work on this intranet is very strong – it has a beautiful user experience and some nice touches such as the custom icons.
- There’s some very solid work on rewriting and consolidating content as well as developing a task-based navigation, which is helping employees save time.
- There are some useful templates which help drive a powerful and attractive user experience – for example delivering lovely departmental pages and the support section.
- The approach to mobile is strong, both reflected in the emphasis on a mobile-first strategy, but also in innovative touches such as the wallet integration.
Full case study
Get a copy of the full case study as part of the 2017 Intranet & Digital Workplace Showcase report. This is packed with real-world screenshots and insights that will inspire your leadership team, and help you deliver a successful project.