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Prestige Financial: Improving findability to transform a process

Prestige Financial has created a new intranet called Driveline using SharePoint 2013 which is enabling communication and collaboration. It is also optimised for mobile and has an advanced search.

Its most innovative feature is the integration of critical dealership information within the intranet and search. Employees can access details of related contacts, documents and loan applications.

Previously this information was hidden in different systems. Subsequently the intranet has saved marketing representatives hours of time per day.

Why this won a Gold award

  • The integration of dealership information into the intranet is very well executed, leading to significant time savings.
  • There are some very nice search features including the ability to filter information by different categories and innovative hover-over views.
  • The design is strong with an attractive user experience and ability to navigate to relevant information from within records and from search.
  • Mobile access ensures this has value for the marketing representatives.
  • There are additional benefits relating to communications and collaboration

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