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Mayo Clinic: Delivering a user-centred intranet

The Mayo Clinic Department of Nursing has created a new intranet for its 8,000 nursing staff based on WordPress. This aims to deliver the information nurses need in their day-to-day work in patient care.A thorough research and design phase using observation, personas, workshops and usability testing has resulted in a highly complex intranet with information and content organised, presented and optimised for nursing staff. There has been a sharp rise in visits since launch.

Why this won a Gold Award

  • The strong emphasis on extensive user research and user-centred design has ensured the complex needs of nursing staff are met by the new intranet.
  • Using WordPress for an intranet this complex is innovative in itself, while the new simpler content management system has also meant it is easier to manage the 180+ subsites.
  • Unusual levels of care have been taken with the presentation and writing of content, for example the disease and conditions section aimed specifically at nursing staff.
  • Focusing the new intranet on patient care rather than corporate communications has ensured higher value and adoption.

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