Archives for tasks

A universal inbox or universal task list demonstrates the power of creating a great digital employee experience.

Targeting enterprise search to key tasks

By: James Robertson Posted: November 10, 2010

Enterprise search is often deployed as ‘the answer’ for the difficulties of finding information across an entire organisation. The basic concept is that the enterprise search indexes ‘everything’, and findability …

Identifying staff tasks

By: James Robertson Posted: May 28, 2010

Intranets are most useful when they help staff do their jobs. This includes finding a key piece of information (‘what is the address for our interstate office?’) or completing a …

Identifying staff tasks

By: James Robertson Posted: May 28, 2010

Understanding common and important staff tasks underpins every aspect of intranet design and management.

Why staff visit the intranet

By: James Robertson Posted: September 5, 2007

There are two key reasons for a staff member to come to the intranet: to find a specific piece of information, or to complete a specific task.

Improving your intranet, task by task

By: Tina Calabria Posted: August 1, 2004

By improving the way the intranet supports key tasks, immediate business benefits can be delivered in a manageable and cost-effective manner.