Martin White blogged yesterday about Watching an organisation reorganise – implications for IA and search, which shared the incredible animation created by Autodesk Research: This shows the evolution of Autodesk’s …

Taking care with intranet information architecture concepts

By: Alex Manchester Posted: November 29, 2012

Avoid structuring the intranet to match today’s business units, and think twice about ‘my’.

Tree testing for effective navigation

By: Steve Byrne Posted: October 26, 2011

Tree testing provides a cheap and effective way of checking draft navigation before proceeding further into a redesign.

There are a variety of smart ways to help staff find what they need, when searching and browsing.

Creating effective intranet "shop windows"

By: James Robertson Posted: October 26, 2010

Intranets filled with ‘blah blah’ landing pages can make it impossible for staff to find what they need.

There is no “one true” top-level intranet navigation

By: James Robertson Posted: October 21, 2010

I have often said that intranets hold up a mirror to the organisations they serve. Their purpose, content, structure and navigation must all reflect the unique contexts that they sit …

How long should the intranet homepage be?

By: James Robertson Posted: May 28, 2010

It is widely assumed that intranet homepages need to be squeezed into a single screenful, but can longer pages be made to work?

Design intranets all the way to the bottom

By: James Robertson Posted: August 16, 2006

It is not enough to focus an intranet redesign on just the home page, global navigation and page layout.

Rather than embarking on a major project at the first sign of problems, consider tactical solutions such as the redesign of the home page.