In rapidly changing times, leaders play an increasingly important role in organisations. This month we explore ways that the intranet (and the intranet team) can support the needs of senior …

How is a digital workplace team different from an intranet team?

By: James Robertson Posted: December 6, 2012

As new technologies are gaining a presence within organisations, we’re seeing some strategic conversations shifting from the “intranet” to the “digital workplace”. This encompasses traditional content publishing, news, social, collaboration, …

What do successful intranet managers have in common?

By: James Robertson Posted: June 30, 2009

The role of an intranet manager is very new, and most intranet managers only started on this career path in the last five to ten years. Intranet managers come from …

What do successful intranet managers have in common?

By: Catherine Grenfell Posted: June 30, 2009

Successful intranet managers balance their technical skills, business acumen and leadership capabilities, and take a pragmatic approach to their sites.

Intranet teams: are we leading or managing?

By: James Robertson Posted: November 26, 2008

The first session of the 2-day Intranet Leadership Forum workshop in Sydney today asked the question: are we leading or managing our intranets? Leading is about being proactive, strategic and …

Gaining intranet stardom

By: Cairo Walker Posted: February 8, 2008

Being an intranet star isn’t easy, but there are practical ways of making it happen.

Leadership tips for intranet teams

By: James Robertson Posted: March 1, 2006

Intranet teams must take on a strong leadership role, and drive forward the evolution and enhancement of the site.

Intranet teams: a leadership and coaching role

By: James Robertson Posted: February 6, 2004

Intranet teams should play a leadership and coaching role in the organisation, in order to ensure that the intranet is effective, up-to-date and usable.

Choosing an intranet project sponsor

By: James Robertson Posted: January 13, 2004

Lack of project sponsorship is one of the greatest causes of IT project failure. For an organisation-wide platform such as an intranet, the need is even greater.