Filed under: Content management
One of the greatest fears when selecting a new content management system (CMS) is that the vendor will go bust, leaving the purchaser without support or upgrades. While this is certainly an important risk to manage, more careful consideration must be made beyond just selecting a ‘big’ CMS vendor and hoping for the best.
This briefing outlines the issues, and presents some potential approaches for mitigating the risk that your chosen vendor will not survive.
Will your vendor go bust?
As indicated above, one risk that needs to be considered when selecting a CMS vendor is that they may not survive in the marketplace. If the vendor was to go bust, this would potentially remove a major (sole?) source of product support, as well as eliminating any chance of product upgrades or enhancements.
Should a bug be encountered, it would be difficult or impossible to get it addressed. At best, this may force inconvenient workarounds, or at worst, may shut down the sites published using the CMS.
[Read the full article.]