Filed under: Intranets, Step Two Forum
Within the Intranet Leadership Forum chapters over the years, we’ve followed many members as they have redesigned their intranets: from the initial activities to secure funding, right through to launch activities.
With intranets being the internal tools they are, it’s often difficult to get firsthand experience with other intranets before embarking on a redesign.
"Being a part of the ILF gave us real insight on what worked and didn’t work in other intranet implementations. Having this knowledge available, helped us to validate ideas and see examples of working solutions.
"The ILF gives you the opportunity to not only see other intranets and how they look, you also get the chance to talk face to face with the people behind them. It’s this interaction I found was most useful to our redevelopment project. I was able to see how SharePoint was working in other organisations, what challenges they had with governance and content management and examples on how to engage with business users."
Patrick McNamara, FWO
When you’re working on an intranet redesign, the easiest and cheapest way to tap into real-world experience is by joining the ILF. Some of the topics covered in recent sessions that are targeted to redesigns:
- Launching an intranet, looking at what has worked in other organisations around the world (Melbourne, April 2012)
- Learning how to visualise the experience of staff’s interaction with the intranet using mapping techniques (Canberra, August 2012)
- Getting under the hood of two new intranets, Stockland and Canon (Sydney, March 2012)
- The best way to use targeting and personalisation on your intranet (Brisbane, June 2012)
Upcoming ILF sessions
- Melbourne: 22nd August 2012
- Brisbane: 29th August 2012
- Sydney: 19th September 2012
- Canberra: 7th November 2012
Get in touch if you’d like a guest invite to an upcoming ILF session, which is a great way to see how it all works, and how membership can benefit you.