Filed under: Book & product reviews
Copies of Essential intranets: inspiring sites that deliver business value have been winging their way around the globe for a bit over a month now.
The good news is that we’ve received tremendously positive feedback on the new book, which is very gratifying, after the year-long writing effort.
These are a few of the reviews we’ve received:
Essential Intranets is the first systematic compendium of ways in which intranets can add value, and will be immediately useful to anyone thinking about their intranet strategy. What struck me when I initially opened this book is just how richly illustrated it is with screenshots. Although the web is scattered with case studies, the book does an excellent job of applying a logical structure to the many facets of an intranet (no easy task!), ranging from basic news provision to examples of how intranets can help respond to natural disasters.
When discussing ways in which an intranet can grow, you can’t beat showing an example of how other people have done it and Essential Intranets makes that very easy to do. It’s hard to imagine an intranet team that wouldn’t find this a useful book to have.
Sam Marshall, ClearBox Consulting (UK)
Most intranet managers can call upon experience gained in a small handful of intranets when creating a new intranet and getting hands-on inspiration can be very difficult due to the inherent controlled access. James Robertson, author of “Essential Intranets: Inspiring sites that deliver business value” has peeked behind thousands of firewalls to bring the best examples together in one great book.
This is a fascinating moment-in-time. There’s a dramatic evolution at play in companies driven by change in device form factor and capability, and by new ambition for the intranet platform. “Essential Intranets” walks the reader through a clever journey: defining the purpose of a modern intranet, demonstrating how these features add value to a business and finally, calling upon his consultancy foundational strength, outlining the path to making it happen in the reader’s organisation.
Staggeringly, by the end of 2014, there will be more mobile phones than people in the world so this device will be central to intranet managers planning in the next few years. “Essential Intranets” is a prescient read, packed full of examples from organisations globally who have made that step beyond the desktop to the smartphone. There’s much to learn – I’m stealing brilliant ideas with pride.
Well structured, well written and importantly, well researched and sourced, “Essential Intranets” is an essential read.
Jonathan Phillips, Coca-Cola Enterprises (UK)
In his latest book, Essential Intranets, James Robertson accomplishes three amazing feats. First, he gives us a unique tour behind the firewall of hundreds of intranets from around the world. Second, he brilliantly shows how to move from a publishing-centric concept to a full-fledged digital workplace that effectively uses social and collaborative tools. Finally, he has arranged his insights in a way that makes this volume as interactive as it is informative.
As far as I’m concerned, this is the single most important book on intranets ever published. If you are on an intranet team or even the CEO of a company that has an intranet, reading this book and applying its principles will provide you with both personal and professional benefits. Get it before your competitors do!
Eric Reiss, The FatDUX Group (Denmark)
Congratulations to James Robertson on delivering his third book in a series of essential desk references for everyday intranet teams – new and seasoned alike!
Entitled, “Essential intranets: inspiring sites that deliver business value”, Robertson’s latest book builds on previous themes about “What Every Intranet Team Should Know,” and “Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work.” This sharply written 280-page book is a tell-all about the power and value of intranets that was informed by known and respected industry practitioners in addition Robertson’s own work inside of major corporates around the globe.
One of my favorite parts about this book is its’ versatility as a desk reference. The book presents straight-forward view of the intranet landscape via three easily-digested sections: “Establish the Fundamentals”, “Deliver Business Value” and “Making It Happen.” It also serves as inspiration for intranet teams because it filled with many useful screenshots and real-world examples that illustrate what intranets can do; why teams must ensure that intranets match the culture of the organization and how intranets can make impact the business performance. The book also offers everything from simple tips to strategic direction, lending itself to supporting next generation intranet business cases and plans. Importantly, Robertson is also very open about what is not included in the book.
Pick it up today, and your come away with a strong list of things that you can action today. Pick it up again six months from now and you’ll equally pull out as many actionable things for you and your team to focus on next.
Nancy M. Goebel, Digital Workplace Group (USA)
These are just four of the many reviews on the Essential intranets page. If you’re running an intranet (or an intranet project), do get this book, in digital or print format (or both).