Filed under: Digital workplace, Intranets
The digital workplace is an emerging term that describes how the working environments in organisations of every type are being transformed by new technologies and behaviours. While the digital workplace offers a holistic view of the enterprise space, the challenge is to understand it in concrete terms.
As mentioned earlier this week, we’re now talking seriously about the digital workplace, and what it means for organisations in the real world.
To start with a bang, we have published a free report, A week in the digital workplace, that outlines a scenario of how we will work in the future.
We have taken a storytelling approach, as this connects with our basic human abilities to learn and explore. Mock screenshots show what the digital workplace could look like.
We use narrative to describe the rich detail of daily work, when enterprise tools have changed from being a burden to a joy.
Best of all: we’ve released the report for free, to encourage further discussion and exploration.
Download the report, and join the conversation!