Filed under: Intranets
When creating or relaunching an intranet, the question of whether to give the site a name often comes up. This briefing explores when to name an intranet, and how best to do it.
Why name your intranet?
Having a catchy and memorable intranet name is a great way of promoting the intranet.
A name can help build an identity, even give the intranet a personality, removing that ‘techy’ edge. This is useful when trying to build staff awareness and engagement with a new or relaunched intranet.
It is an opportunity to leverage off the organisation’s brand or simply to differentiate the intranet from the organisation’s internet site.
What to consider in a name
Some names will work in a particular organisation while others may not. A culturally formal financial services organisation may opt for a name such as The Vault or Max, whereas Capsicum or The Lily Pad may sit more comfortably in a less formal environment.
For some, the benefit of the name comes from being synonymous with the aim and purpose of the intranet, such as The Hub or The Heart Beat for a health care organisation. Other organisations can leverage the profile that a fun and light-hearted image may provide.
Consider what type of name will best suit your organisation.
[CM Briefing 2008-15 written by Amanda Broomhall, read the full article]