Filed under: Conferences & presentations, Intranets
One of the hardest things about running an intranet is not being able to see other sites. What does a great intranet look like? What functionality should it provide? What are the best practices that guide a successful intranet project?
Step Two has seen more intranets than anyone else in the globe, and we have a huge collection of intranet screenshots and stories. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been providing a targeted package to organisations seeking insights into intranet best practices and success stories.
This is a packed, four-day engagement, designed to get all relevant parties on board, thinking on the same page and heading in the same direction. It’s a highly effective way to supercharge an intranet project from the start.
This intranet best practices workshop focuses on three key steps:
- quickly understanding the current landscape within the organisation and the priorities of key stakeholders
- running a tailored, business-specific intranet best practices workshop for project team members and key stakeholders
- following up with the project team to determine next steps, based on the outcomes of the workshop
No two organisations are the same, so we spend time to understand your situation, and to tailor the workshop to match. We then sit down with the team to help plan the next steps. Here’s how the time breaks down:
- Familiarisation: We spend time with the intranet/project team to review the existing intranet and related sites, as well as any project activities and research already conducted.
- Stakeholder discussions: To deepen our knowledge and understanding of the business itself and tailor the full workshop, we sit down with key intranet and business stakeholders to discuss the structure, nature and practices of the organisation. Business priorities, needs and strategies will also be discussed.
- Workshop preparation: The workshop will be tailored using all information gathered and research conducted in the previous activities, including sourcing of specific intranet examples relevant to your organisation’s industry. This blends your organisational situation with our significant experience in intranets, for the optimum result.
- Workshop: A mix of presentation- and discussion-based activities, sharing examples and screenshots from organisations around the globe.
- Follow-up planning: After the workshop, we’ll review the outcomes with the core project team. The practical aspects of the project will also be discussed, ensuring that the team can confidently kick off further work.
Workshop agenda
The workshop covers a range of important topics, mixing presentations and discussions:
- current intranet state
- the changing face of intranets
- what makes a great intranet
- five key purposes of intranets
- priorities for your new intranet
- delivering an intranet that works well
- best practice intranet design methodology
- key project activities
Delivering great intranets
Since the beginning of the year, we’ve run the workshop for a well-known corporation in Sydney and a very interesting government agency in Canberra. In both cases, it generated great discussion, and did much to create alignment amongst stakeholders.
We’re offering the package for just $10,000 + GST, which is great value for the outcomes delivered.
Would the intranet best practices workshop be of use to you? If so, don’t hesitated to get in touch. (We also have a wide range of other in-house workshops that may be of assistance to you.)