Filed under: Intranets, Knowledge management
Well, I’m very tired now, having completed 5 hours of stakeholder interviews, with 30 minute gaps in between.
Overall, the questions held up pretty well. I haven’t been successful in determining social networks, but the information gathering behaviours have been clearly identified.
As hoped, we have also identified a lot of other issues that are prventing wider usage of the intranet (primarily around availability of PCs, culture and available time).
One idea that occured to me after the first interview was to start documenting soundbites. These are brief verbatim comments from users about specific issues. I now have over a page of these, covering a wide range of topics, and they are incredibly powerful.
This is storytelling in action, and I think these will be the most valuable product of the whole stakeholder interview process. The plan is now to sprinkle these through the final report, underlining the points being made, and making it all concrete.