To make intranet search successful, the right technology must be put in place, and the necessary work undertaken to design and configure its operation. Once…
Who owns intranet search?.
In most cases, the intranet team should own search, and the responsibility should not be left within IT.
Simplify the search user experience.
Out of the box, most search engines are poorly designed for the needs of general intranet searchers. Cluttered with complex features, these search tools can…
Simplify the search user experience.
Search doesn’t work out of the box, and up to 80% of the default functionality must be stripped out for general search users.
Searching more is not always better.
Driving enterprise search to cover ever more content does not necessarily deliver better results.
Search doesn't work out-of-the-box.
Out-of-the-box, search doesn’t work, and there is a small (but vital) piece of work needed to design and tune the search solution.
Nine ways to fix intranet search.
This article outlines nine steps that can be taken by all intranet teams to improve the effectiveness of search, covering both design and under-the-hood changes.
Search should work like magic.
At the most fundamental level, search should work like magic: it should always give staff the information they need, even if they only enter a…
Good search is knowledge management.
Beyond just helping staff to ‘find stuff’, search can play a valuable role in meeting broader knowledge management goals.
Search engine ‘best bets’.
Search engine ‘best bets’ can dramatically improve the search experience, particularly on information-rich sites such as intranets.