When it comes to intranets (and information management in general), there is always a temptation to put in place simplistic rules, or to pursue simplistic…
Content migration: options and strategies.
Explores the options for migrating content as part of a site redesign, giving tips and suggestions.
Clean up your Active Directory first!.
Before personalisation can be implemented, underlying LDAP or Active Directory implementations need to be cleaned up.
Automating three types of forms.
There is a ‘rule of thirds’ that can be used to categorise the main types of forms that exist on an intranet.
Not all content needs to be of equal quality.
Efforts should be targeted at improving the quality of key information, while applying lower standards to the majority of intranet content.
Is workflow the wrong metaphor?.
The unspoken truth is that workflow often doesn’t work well in practice, leading to the question: is workflow the wrong metaphor?
Is it DM or CM?.
This briefing helps to dispell the widespread confusion in the marketplace between document management systems (DMS) and content management systems (CMS).
Metrics for KM and CM.
Metrics are an effective way of setting project targets, assessing success, and tracking ongoing health. This article summarises a range of practical KM and CM-related…
Losing sight of the content in a CMS.
Why spend millions on managing content that no-one understands or needs? This article provides tips for getting the best value out of your business content.